Monday, March 4, 2013

Summit County Property Tax Notices

Property Tax Notices to come out shortly…

In Colorado, County Assessors reappraise property in odd-numbered years, and your Notice of Valuation is due to be mailed out on May 1st. 

The new valuation is based on property sales data for the two-year period from July, 2010 to June 30, 2012. The table below shows averages for your complex between these dates. This information covers all sales through the Summit County MLS System (this excludes private sales).

If you chose to appeal you have a short window of May 1 through June 1. The Assessor’s Office will then review your appeal and send you a Notice of Determination on June 30, which outlines the decision and your further appeal rights.

Appeals to valuation may be submitted to the assessor online, via e-mail, mail or in person.  For more information visit (Government tab, Assessor, Appeals).